I don't know about you, but sometimes, studying really gets in the way of going to college. I feel like by now professors should realize that we're all really here to just party, and having all these assignments or tests is just taking up time from my real priority, which is obviously drinking.
So if you can't beat them, I guess join them? Here is a drinking game to play while you're studying, which will most likely end up making you do anything but studying; happy drinking everyone!
Take a sip when:
1. Every time you pick up your phone to do anything not studying related.
2. You organize your highlighters in rainbow order.
3. You check Facebook.
4. You check Instagram.
5. You write on your sorority's Facebook for help with this test.
6. You send a Snapchat of studying.
Take a shot when:
1. You've read one page of notes.
2. Re-written that page of notes.
3. Asked your friends in your class a question about the test.
4. Wrote one definition on a note card.
5. You start bumping your friends' pictures from 2009.
6. You start cleaning your room instead.
Chug when:
1. You finish studying through your entire study guide once.
2. You've memorized your entire quizlet.
3. You check your grade in the class and calculate the lowest grade possible that you would be satisfied with.
Finish your drink when:
1. You started studying to just have an excuse to drink.
2. Your test is in exactly one hour.
3. You had the best study guide and your friends asked for it.
4. You feel like this test is impossible and feel like dropping out of school.