High school students are forced to make many life altering life choices before they graduate. They have to chose a college to go to, something to major in, where they will live and a complete schedule of courses. Any of these questions could be enough to make someone curl up in a ball out of fear. Thinking about the future is scary when you don't know what you want out of it. Some people will know their college and course load from the moment they turn ten. Some people don't. Some people will go to the closest college to home so they can stay near family. Many students will fly hundreds of miles to live in new cities and meet new people. Many people will decide not to go to college after they graduate, and that's okay too. You should never feel bad for doing what you want to do with your future.
The number one question I am asked by family, employers and strangers is; "So, what're you doing for school?" When I tell them I have chosen not to go, there is always an evident mood shift in the conversation. Quite often they follow up with a condescending comment on how I'm ruining my future and can't get anywhere without a college degree. I am not ashamed of my choice. No one should be. I didn't have the money or a career that required a higher level of education. College would have been a waste for me. I shouldn't have to explain my unique situation every time someone thinks "Do you go to school around here?" is the only conversation starter for young people.
I'm sure many of you have found yourself in similar situations. You should never feel scared to make the decision you want to make with your future. Wherever the path takes you, enjoy the journey. Make some time to volunteer somewhere, make friends, look at some art, take a road trip- whatever makes you feel at peace- that's what you should do. Whether or not you go to college has no effect on how successful you may be. Don't let the voices and words of negativity get to you. You will be successful as long as you try to be. Find a way to do whatever it is you desire.
To the one who decided college wasn't for them, people are still proud of you. You can and will do amazing things. Your lack of degree will never make you less of a person than anybody else. Take this time and find yourself. Find out who you are and what you want. Live in the moment. Without book work to worry about, you have a lot of free time to yourself. Get three jobs and save money for whatever you want. Take a year to travel. Feature your art in an exhibit. Listen to loud music. Find something you are passionate about, and do it. You can be the person you want to be, and you don't need a piece of paper to tell you who that is. Be you, unapologetically.