To the college student taking 15 credit hours, working two part-time jobs, and having to pay for everything on their own, to the student who began rushing for Greek Life and is trying to juggle that with four other clubs and also trying to stay on top of their school work, and to the nursing and science majors trying to get A's and B's in all of their classes so they can get accepted into their program (and barely get any sleep), this article's for you.
College is tough sometimes. No matter who you are or what you're currently dealing with while at college, we all end up struggling to maintain our sanity while trying to manage everything that's on our plate. Your college years are like a test run for adult life in the real world, and how you manage your time now is extremely important for how you will manage your time after college.
We’re all trying to prepare ourselves for our adult career and be well-rounded students involved in off-campus activities as well. This means finding as many ways to network as we can, which can also be stressful to keep track of.
I want you to know that you can do this. Right now may be very stressful for you, and you may feel like you're going to have three mental and emotional breakdowns each day, but it will get better. People around the world have experienced what you're going through right now, but they never let the stress get to them to the point where they gave up. They conquered those struggles, and you can too.
Use something or someone as a motivator to get you inspired to tackle all these obstacles you’re faced with this semester and get to the finish line. Think of how you’ll feel once the semester’s over and focus on the fact that you’ll have over three months to vacation, work a summer job or internship, and spend time with your friends and family. Think of someone you admire and look up to, whether it be a family member or close friend, and think of how proud they’ll be after you tell them how hard you worked on so many difficult things around the same time.
Okay, so you have three papers, two tests, a lab and a speech to complete by the end of the week (or whenever they’re all due). Plan out a homework schedule that gives you breaks in between tasks. Go to the gym and do some cardio while studying or reading a chapter that’s due. Go to the library with a friend and work on an assignment together and try not to get sidetracked by social media or unrelated conversations. You may be struggling now to keep up with everything going on in your life right now, but know that if you work hard and try not to freak out a lot, you will be so much happier at the end of the semester.