The dream of every 90's kid has finally come true; we can finally live our dream of becoming a Pokemon Trainer. To be the very best, like no one ever was. Pokemon Go has made all of our dreams into a reality. And, bonus, it's actually making people exercise ... for fun! The introduction of this game was basically Christmas in the summer. By now, you either have Pokemon Go downloaded on your phone, or you make fun of those who do. But for those who are currently living your dream as a Pokemon Trainer, you know the struggles that come along with catching them all.
1. It's hot.
Yes, the point of Pokemon Go is to help kids get outside, but it's currently summer in Florida and is 1,000 degrees outside. And don't forget the humidity. Getting outside is nice, but when it's summer in Florida, the last thing you want to be doing is walking around for hours under the hot sun.2. The good ones are never there when you are.
3. You sometimes get weird looks.
One time my friends got asked if they were texting each other while standing right next to each other. True story. All you want to do is catch them all. Outsiders just don't understand.4. The outside is scary at night.
Sometimes, you have to suck it up and go outside at 1 am. That's the only way you're ever going to catch that rare Pokemon that has suddenly appeared.5. You finally suck it up and go outside at 1 am to catch a rare Pokemon and it RUNS AWAY.
Suddenly, it's the middle of the night, or early morning depending on how you look at it, and you're running around in your pajamas with your phone clenched firmly in your hand like a crazy person. All for nothing.
6. That horrifying moment when you leave the house to catch Pokemon and the server crashes.
What was the point of even going outside if you can't even hunt? I mean, what does the outdoors have to offer besides trees, and fresh air, and nature?7. When you're Pokemon hunting and get caught in a downpour.
8. The eggs take forever to hatch.
You have to walk forever just to hatch one egg. Or you could do what my friend does, put the phone in your passenger seat, and drive really slow around your block. Although, your neighbors may think you've lost it.