We all know that life is difficult. We have to go through obstacles, face problems and sometimes turn away from something that has been with us for a long time.
But, from my standpoint, I believe I have had it slightly harder than the common human being. Why is that you may ask? Because I, along with about 10 percent of the population, am left handed.
You heard it- I am a leftie and I am proud!
Even though I have been left handed for 21 years now, there are still struggles that 90 percent of people do not understand:
1. The obvious, smearing everything you write
Whether I use pens, markers, pencils or highlighters, it all smears the same.
2. Three-ring binders
You righties will truly never get it.
3. Eating is WW3 because it's an elbow war
4. Sports are such a hassle
Only good thing is that you go left and the other players just look at you.
5. Scissors are truly only made for right handers
You know it's true.
6. Using a keyboard is like some crazy ninja move
Lefties are masters of crossing over like it's our job.
7. Hearing, "Wow! You're left handed" whenever you start to write
I'm not an alien, people, just rare.