Going back to school for the final weeks of the semester is always one of the hardest things to do, but push through. You will make it.
Getting the motivation to leave home and go back to school is a joke.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/ed-harris-l8aCBaBuz5R6M">via GIPHY
You get back on campus and have no energy to do the homework you didn’t do over break.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/community-school-study-N7AOI... GIPHY
Going to bed at a reasonable time is impossible because you spent every night over break watching Netflix until 2 a.m.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/2pU8T0OTNkmre">via GIPHY
You hit snooze on your alarm close to 17 times the next morning.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/vspink-tired-sleep-monday-3o... GIPHY
You show up to class and don’t want to pay attention because how much more can you really learn during the last two weeks?
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/sally-kohn-3o6ZsZ2KFfnmzPBRP... GIPHY
The weeks seem to move slower and slower.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/no-ugh-tired-gif-VS0NZEY9I05... GIPHY
Then, when finals week gets here, it feels like it came by way too fast.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/colbertlateshow-oh-no-3oz8xr... GIPHY
You look at your final and feel as though you didn't even read the textbook (whether or not you actually did).
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/film-filmedit-Kk7zPsTf8SxQQ"... GIPHY
After finals, you feel so good, you’re excited to go home, you can't wait to pet your dogs and sleep in.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/macysparade-3o7TKFEMUsAyj5CC... GIPHY
Then, you remember that you have to start the process over again next semester.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/filmeditor-movie-set-it-off-... GIPHY
But maybe next semester will be better, right?