This morning I discovered that I overdrafted both of my debit cards and now only have $7 left to my name. My car payment of $250 was due twelve days ago; I still have yet to pay it and with only $7 I do not think that is going to help very much. I broke down and started crying because I honestly have no idea what to do. I have to rely on my parents for money and it makes me feel worse every time I have to ask. The thing is, it’s not like I’m spending the money on dumb stuff; it is legitimately on things I need like groceries, gas for my car, things for school, and occasionally I’ll get my nails done to relax from being so stressed. Like I said, things I need.
On top of being broke, I’m a full-time college student. I’m also not one of those students who are naturally brilliant and think school work is easy. I’m the student that spends hours upon hours in the library all week to get a 75 on a test. But I’ve been working extra hard this semester because I am a junior and have finally realized that I needed to get my sh*t together. I am in the library multiple times a week and almost always on top of my assignments. This week was not one of those weeks. I missed class this week to go to an interview for a job to fix my broke problem, but then caused a different problem by getting behind in class. I haven’t been able to get any homework done because I've been so distracted by the interviews. (Notice I said "interviews," meaning more than one; yeah, I have had four job interviews in the same week.) That’s not an excuse to professors though, so I had a freak-out/breakdown because of school. So my weekend will include cramming in homework and catching myself up in class.
Now some may think that what I'm about to say is a silly thing to get stressed over, but GUYS SUCK. College girls have a few options when it comes to guys. We have the college frat guys that we love to party with and are entertaining, but suck. There are the in-shape college athletes that you are always a sucker for, but they suck, too. Then there are the older, more mature guys that have a nice beard and take you on dates, but without a doubt, usually they suck somehow, too. So this forces us to drink cheap wine and cry with our girls over some guy causing more stress.
So to all the other college girls struggling, shout-out to us for somehow keeping it together through the denied credit cards, all-nighters studying in the library, and catching feelings for guys who don’t deserve us. We are doing the best we can.