Being short is both a blessing and curse. It's a blessing because everyone thinks that you are so cute, and who doesn't love an endless amount of compliments of how cute they are? However, there is also an endless amount of reasons why being short can really suck. Floor seats at concerts can turn out to be the worst seats, finding pants that fit are almost impossible to find and being asked how "short you are" can get pretty old. Don't get me wrong, I really love being cute and short. Truly, I do. There are just some struggles that us short people have. Here are some that we deal with on a daily basis.
1. When someone asks how the weather is down here.
2. When people assume you are younger than your actual age just because you're a little shorter than your friends.
3. When something you really need is in the highest place in your room and you have to spend 20 minutes trying to reach it.
4. When people ask how short you are instead of how tall you are.
5. When you put on heels and are still extremely shorter than everyone around you.
6. The fact that you can still fit into children's clothing.
7. You cannot reach the pedals unless you pull your seat up to the steering wheel.
8. You have to buy pants that say short on the tag, but they still are too long.
9. You have to hem all your dresses and skirts so you don't look like a nun.
10. When people use your head as an armrest.
11. When you are sitting at a desk and your feet cannot touch the ground.
12. When you are on the highway and have to pay for tolls, and basically have to get out of your car to reach the toll booth.
13. When you’re having a really bad hair day and people can easily see the top of your head.
14. When you stand out in group photos because you are that much shorter than everyone.
15. When people assume you are a gymnast, but you can’t even do a cartwheel.
16. When people say, “You’re so little!” as if we didn’t already know.
17. When people joke that you need a parachute to step off the sidewalk.
So, to all my fellow shorties out there, it’s going to be OK. Being short does suck sometimes, but at least we have each other to turn to. I truly think people are just jealous, or at least that’s what I tell myself. Like I said before, who doesn’t want to be cute and little? Being short is great, and it makes us unique and even strong people. We are faced with obstacles every single day and we get over them every time, even if we have to jump very high. So keep your heads up, little ones—being short is a struggle, but it’s not the worst thing in the world. We got this, us short people gotta stick together.