In this day and age, Math has become something that's almost unrecognizable for most students; the constant complaint of "why is there more letters than numbers?" is something you hear everywhere you go. But yet, there's still the people like us who want their futures to be centered around it. We call ourselves "Math Majors". If you're anything like me, you totally understand what I'm trying to say here...
1. Thinking to yourself how happy you were to have tested out of Calculus I at placement testing.
That split moment you thought you would have less classes to take simply because calculus I wasn't on your schedule... lol joke is on you.
2. But instantly regretting it when you start Calculus II
I really couldn't tell you how I made it through, but I did.
3. The excitement when your professor provides a formula sheet.
Thank god because memorizing the 19 equations for Friday's quiz just was not going to happen.
4. The instant terror that you feel when the first day of class you are told "there will be no formula sheets for any sort of quiz or exam."
You've gone too far in to back out now. But God only knows how you'll pass any exam without the extra little help.
5. When you realize you're a homework assignment behind when you get to class the next time and realize you have no idea what's going on.
Oh, we're on assignment 15? I thought last class you said do assignment 7.... Well, crap.
6. The face people make when they ask what your major is and you smile and say "Math".
Ok. I get it. You hate math. My future job will be to teach kids to love it like I do so please stop your negativity.
7. When exam day rolls around and you feel like you know NOTHING.
You really thought that the all nighter of studying was going to pay off but you really just burned yourself out and now all hope is gone.
8. Only to find out neither did anybody else in the class.
It's really just so much more assuring when you know the smart people in front of you left half of the test blank. Glad we're on the same page.
9. When one homework problem takes up 5 pages of work.
10. Overthinking the first question of the exam because there's no way it could start off that easy.
There is no way my professor only wants us to solve for x right now..
11. Knowing at the end of the day that you are doing what most people could never even comprehend, and feeling better than ever about it.
After all, secondary ed high school teachers are the highest paid women educators, so I must be doing something right.