Between living an average of nine years fewers than right-handers, never being able to use certain appliances, and certain cultures thinking you're evil, being a lefty is a constant source of inconveniences. Here's a few of my least favorite things about writing with my left hand.
There’s always only one pair of left-handed scissors, and they’re always dull. Sure, we can try to cut with our right hand, but don’t expect it to be neat. And straight lines? Nearly impossible.
Some lecture halls are accommodating enough to have a few left-handed desks. But they’re always in the back of the room, broken, or taken by a right hander that doesn’t realize the value of that desk. Side note to all the right handers reading this: if there’s a left handed desk, please don’t sit in it. You have 300 other desks to choose from that are more comfortable anyways.InkIf you’re left handed, you’re familiar with the constant black smudges on your hand from writing. Whether it’s led or ink, it’s always there (especially during the school year). And yes, right-handers also face this problem when writing on the back of a piece of paper, but how often does this happen?
Sitting in close quarters while eating with right handers is not an easy task. No matter how hard you try, you will bump elbows. Repeatedly. There is one up-side though: if it’s just you and a righty on a date, you can easily hold hands while you eat.Can Openers
Whoever invented can openers must have had a personal vendetta against left handers. They’re literally impossible for us to use. And while there are can openers adapted for left handers, they’re often very hard to find. Not to mention if you’re borrowing one at a friend’s house, you can bet money it’ll be the right handed version.Notebooks
Along with ink all over our hands, left handers are used to the indents caused by spiral notebooks and 3-ring binders. Not only is it uncomfortable, especially if you’re writing a lot, it also makes your writing extremely sloppy. I’m convinced this is the reason most left handers have awful handwriting.
gym class. Or any gym for that matter. They exist, but again, there’s never enough of them. And the ones that are available are always the most beat up gloves in the bin.