Where do I begin?
I haven't written an article this month until now, and my apologizes. I was busy detoxing in Pearland. I was busy completing the National Dex in Sword and binging on the new sensation that I found about on in Mexico: RuPaul's Drag Race. More on that later. Before my Thanksgiving Break, I had to deal with continuous shit and galore, trying to make my grades decent enough, just because I have been a total slacker for the past five months. Procrastination is an anesthetic running on time, and clearly, I have not that much left. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good news: I have two weeks left; my grades have enough insurance to get at least a B should I make decent scores on my finals. Bad news: I am a senior-classified junior with no plans, no GER, no active application for graduate school, no internship, no job, and no cocktails cause I'm still underage for the next five months.
Mistakes were made...
I know senior year was to be hard, but this is ridiculous. Let it be known that I subjected myself to this torture by taking 15-19 hours per semester. I thought it would be great to take extra hours to be accomplished. But at what cost? An empty social life, an addiction to coffee (a cold brew with half-and-half and sweetener, please), sleepless nights, excessive gaming, a desire to drink, wanting to skip classes, excessive Pokémon Go-ing, a desire to drink, a desire to drink. It sucks, knowing that your friends are of age and are at the bar, while you're stuck alone…with a bottle of cheap-ass milk from Walmart—and no cookies either.
And for what? A piece of paper in a frame, hanged on the wall for prestige? A supposed job that supposed to make a lot of money? Two to eight years of education for a job that you'll have to be a resident/intern for to get the real thing?
I have absolutely no idea what my plans are for the future, but I have one idea of what's up:
I'm fucked.