Who doesn't love to eat? The struggles of loving food get the best of us sometimes (especially when we're trying to drop a few pounds).
You can't help it that you adore good food.
Wanting to lose weight but getting tempted every time you see something you "have to eat."
And then actually eating it.
Always asking what the next meal is when you're eating a meal. Because...
Getting excited when you see your food.
Am I bored or am I hungry?
Finishing your food because you would hate to see any of it (or your money) go to waste.
Am I full or am I actually stuffed?
When someone says "dessert" and you know that you have to have some.
Feeling a little sickly after you eat the best meal because you couldn’t stop.
Was it worth it? Maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but as I tell my best friend, "There's a reason 'good' and 'food' are spelled similarly: because food is good."