You either love science or you hate it. There's never an in between. There's no fooling around when you're a science major. The classes are always difficult, with too much homework, and grueling lab hours. From pulling all nighters to balancing equations, here's a few things every science major can relate to.
1. Cumulative Final Exam.
On top of there being four regular exams (the fourth usually being a few days before your final), professors will make your final cumulative. Amazing.
2. When your lab runs longer than expected.
There's nothing like realizing you're probably going to be late for your next class.
3. "So do you want to be a scientist or a doctor?"
4. When non-science majors complain about their majors.
I mean, how hard can your major really be?
5. You consider changing your major every time you're up late studying for your exam.
Communications doesn't sound like it'd be too bad.
6. Chemistry is unavoidable.
The one subject that pops up in every science course and makes you question whether or not you really want to follow through with this whole science thing.
7. You never truly have fun on the weekends because in the back of your mind you're thinking about the exam that you should be studying for.
It's all fun and games until reality hits and there's no turning back.
8. You hate admitting it, but corny science jokes make your day.
Although your non-science major friends aren't too amused.
9. Sitting in lecture and having no clue what your professor is talking about.
Just be quiet and write down everything they say.
10. What's graduation?
Graduation sounds too good to be true and too far away to think about.
11. Questioning your sanity.
Come finals time when you're four coffees deep at 3 a.m. you're going to start to wonder what you're becoming.
12. When professors curve your tests and it actually helps your grade.
Look at God. There's nothing like getting that email about the test getting curved and seeing your grade make significant progress.