Many people, like myself, are naturally pale. By naturally pale, I mean that we do not tan. Well OK, we do, but it's not exactly noticeable without apparent tan lines or even at all. Due to us just not tanning, some of us just sunburn, others get loads of freckles, others just stay pale and some just get a combo of things going on that does not equal tan. It's OK though! We have come to accept our paleness, so, please, for the benefit and respect of the pale, stop the following, we beg you.
1. Comparing your apparent tan to our nonexistent tan
We get it. We are just oh so pale compared to you. You are just oh so tan compared to us.
2. Telling us how many freckles we have
Some people, like myself, instead of tanning get freckles. I love my freckles, they are something that make me, me, and I know others feel the same way. So for the love of this earth, don't point out how many we have on the various parts of our body. We see them, we notice them, they are always with us.
3. Making fun of our SPF
Dude, we sunburn, let us live and not sunburn. Sometimes that requires sunscreen with SPF 100. Don't tell us how it probably isn't any different than sunscreen with SPF 30, the SPF 100 part just makes us feel better regardless of whether it is actually more effective compared to SPF 30.
4. Pointing out that we're sunburned ![]()
Really? No way, we had no idea that was the pain we were feeling.
5. Pointing out we're sunburned after layering on SPF 100.
Just don't. Just don't even think about it. Seriously. You don't even want to know what kind of reaction you'll get from us, but it will not be pretty, I promise you that.
6. Pointing out that you aren't sunburned and didn't even put on sunscreen
OK, that's really neat and all, but have you ever heard of skin cancer? That stuff is not very neat. Also fun fact, sunscreen is the No. 1 way to prevent aging, so who is really the winner here? Just saying.
7. Making fun of how we don't tan.
Like come on. We have known this our entire lives and let's face it, most of us would look just really weird with a tan. Just picture it.
So, being pale is actually our blessing in disguise, if you really think about it. We are always on high alert not become sunburned and by doing that we are preventing aging, hell yeah! So, tan people of this world, take a page out of our books, sunscreen is your friend, it has many awesome benefits. Also, just stop with the pale person hate, please and thanks. We have freckles, we sunburn easily and we would look very weird tan.
A pale and proud person.