Road Rage is a disease that affects many people across the nation, and many of our loved ones can struggle with this every time they hop into their cars. Stay informed and read these 10 symptoms to see if you or someone you know may have this illness.
"Who taught you how to drive?"
There are some "do's" and "dont's" of the road, and the person in front of you definitely doesn't know how to drive.
"Way to use your blinker, buddy!"
There is this mystical device in all cars that communicates to people of where the person will go, and this device is called a blinker or a turn signal (depending on who you are). No matter what you call it, use it.
People going the actual speed limit sends you into a fit.
When you are on the interstate, nothing drives you up the wall like when people actually go the speed limit. Who do they think they are actually going the speed limit? If the flow of traffic is moving faster than the number on the sign, do not be the person to slow things down.
"Get out of the left lane if you are not going to drive fast."
If you are in the left lane and you are slowing down traffic, then you need to stay in your lane aka the right lane. The left lane is for passing not for driving, Miss Daisy!
"I am going to turn and look at you to show my annoyance."
When you get the chance to sit side by side to the person who rode your bumper, passed you, and then you ended up meeting up again because they decided to go 10 miles under the speed limit, you take the chance to take a look at them. You must remember their face of who not to be.
"I need to beat this person next to me."
As a way to make red lights less miserable, making it a competition helps the people who experience road rage feel a little better. It helps especially when it has been a person literally driving you crazy.
"If I have to sit in traffic for one more minute, I will go crazy in this car."
Whether it is sitting in gridlock traffic or in a construction zone, wasting time sitting in your car can make any person crazy. You just want to get to your location not sit for 30 minutes while you have no clue why no one is moving.
"I need a glass of water ASAP."
If things have gone bad, you may end up yelling a lot. Having a bottle of water in your car at all times can help combat this constant issue for people who suffer from road rage.
"If this person goes straight, I am for sure turning."
To save some of your sanity and patience, you decide to go a completely different route than the person in front of you to avoid their driving skills (or lack thereof).
"My road rage isn't only while I am driving."
If you think that road rage only exists on the road, you are wrong. From walking on the sidewalk to pushing a grocery cart in the store, road rage can happen anytime or anywhere.
As long as your road rage is not hurting others around you, this is not a contagious disease. So far there has been no cure at this time. Some things that can help with road rage for those who suffer is for people to stay away from them and give them the road to themselves. Be smart on the road, don't drive like a crazy person, and seriously just use your turn signal. We all know mistakes and accidents happen while driving, but we all can do our best to not disturb the beasts of road ragers while keeping everyone on the road safe.