A curse that I was born with. It is something that I will have to deal with my whole life, and no matter how hard I try, nothing can stop me. I have lost the opportunity to be friends with people because they find me intimidating or scary, but I can assure you I am a good person deep down below the surface... I live with resting bitch face. #RBF
1. You throw shade at undeserving passerby's, leaving them wondering what on Earth they could have done wrong.
"Why did you look at them like that?" "Like what?"
2. People tell you they were scared of you before they knew you.
"I used to think you were mad at me for something! Then I got to know you!!"
3. Everyone always asks if you're mad at them, and you have no idea what they are talking about.
"No I'm just thinking about what I'm going to eat for dinner...."
4. Going through a social situation trying to make sure you don't look angry, when in reality you look like you're about to start a fight.
"Please, try to be friendly tonight." "It's not my fault!!"
5. "Wow you're actually so nice!"
6. RBF has the added benefit of keeping the people that you actually don't like away.
7. Any emotion you have, your face shows it and you have no idea.
Mom: "Don't give me that look!!!"
Me: "What look??"
~*the queen of RBF, Rihanna*~
8. Men tell you to smile all the time.......... barf.
9. "Are you sure you're not mad about something?"
"No I'm fine why?"