It's my favorite time of the year. The weather is getting colder, snowflakes are falling, and football season is heating up. Oh yeah, Christmas is pretty cool too. One of the biggest things I'm looking forward to over winter break is watching some great football games with playoff implications, at both the college and NFL level. What I'm not looking forward to, however, is people not taking me seriously as a fan because of my gender.
Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I love sports. Baseball and football are my favorites,, but I also enjoy . I know the rules and customs of the games. I have my favorite teams and yes, I know their starting lineups. I know key statistics. I am passionate about the teams I cheer for. So when people question if I'm "a true fan" just because of antiquated and ignorant gender roles, it kind of grinds my gears.
I grew up playing sports. Starting with the pee-wee soccer in preschool to coaches pitch softball (I was too stubborn to play tee-ball, I refused to hit off a tee), to finally travel softball and basketball leagues, sports definitely made an impact early on in my life. I even played in powderpuff (all female) football games that were the highlight of every homecoming week at my high school. I may not have been the best (not by a long shot), but I developed a knowledge and passion for the game that matches my male counterparts. Whenever I'm watching sports in a group setting, I can feel the expectations others place on me. I'm supposed to chit chat, play on my phone, or remark on the color scheme of the uniforms. The look on people's faces when I prove that I actually know and care about what's going on on the field is priceless. Most of the time I'm welcomed by the male fans and kind of become "one of the guys," which I love because I feel like an equal. What I don't love, though, is when the people around me still don't take me seriously. I don't blindly watch games just for fun, or to pass time. I actually look forward to game days. I plan my weekend around them during football season and my evenings around them during baseball season. I don't need anyone to explain basic aspects of the game to me. It's insulting. Just treat me like an equal and pass the chips.
Being a girl who likes sports doesn't make me less feminine. I can scream my lungs out in the student section on Saturday afternoon in full make-up and pretty jewelry, or watch the World Series in my sweatpants. Neither of these situations make me more or less of a woman. I don't let my gender define what hobbies or activities I should participate in, and neither should you.
If you're a girl who couldn't care less about sports, that is absolutely fine. Please don't feel like I'm attacking you, because that is the last thing I want to do. If you're a guy who isn't really into sports either, that's fine too. The whole message I'm trying to send is that your gender does not limit what you're allowed to be passionate about. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do.
So if you're a girl like me who is a die-hard sports fan, don't be afraid to let it show just because you pee sitting down. Let your team's flag fly. Embrace what you love and forget about what "normal" girls are supposed to like. There's no such thing as normal, anyway.