Have you ever spoke your mind about a particular topic and got immediate reactions of discouragement and disapproval? Have you ever been told that you are too ‘intimidating’ or too ‘bold’ to be approached by certain people? Lastly, have you ever thought in your mind about the idea of being too independent for your own good? If you could answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then we are women of the same boat: the boat of independence.
Having the power of personal independence is not a curse, but a blessing. There is no greater feeling than having the strength to speak up for your beliefs and ideas without a single care of what someone is going to say or think about you. It’s not that we don’t care what other people think about us, we just do not agree with hiding behind our fears while getting walked on by people that think they can dull our sparkle. We are born to be leaders and leading is how we will succeed while everyone else lingers in the dust behind us, trying to keep up.
Independence is not bad and does not have to be viewed negatively just because a determined woman likes to stand out and make something of herself. That guy that is calling you intimidating and bold is probably only saying that because he doesn’t have the nerve to tell you how truly amazing you are or how bad he wishes he could stand by the side of a woman that holds so much power by the way she carries herself through her INTIMIDATING looks and her BOLD actions.
Whatever his reasoning is, as to why you’re so hard to approach is a poor excuse to not talk to you and is his loss for not taking the time to get to know someone with so much character and inspiration. Seriously though, your inspiration is radiating so intensely like a fierce Goddess, that it’s a miracle you aren’t leading your own army by now.
Personal independence is a powerful term often used when referring to the typical megalomaniac that likes to take control and stand up for what she believes in. What is wrong with having a strong willed mind and a passion for climbing the success ladder with high hopes of achieving greatness? Nothing. Here in the 21st Century we, as independent women, take pride in our achievements and strive to accomplish all that we can; but here is the catch, we do it ALONE, and without expecting anyone to step in and help us along the way for that matter.
However, does independence mean we never need other people? No. This is a major struggle that we deal with as independent women. Everyone thinks that just because we are so independent, we must be super confident and never have the tendency to ‘break down’. We’re human, just like you. We have feelings and insecurities, and we don’t appreciate being looked upon as attention-seeking brats that will do anything to get their way. We have the right to speak our minds just like anyone else does, except we actually DO IT.
We don’t let anyone create a barrier between us and our goals; we knock it down with motivation and bravery. BUT, just because we don’t let the tedious matters of unimportance get to us, it doesn’t mean we do not need support or encouragement through hard life situations. After all, if it were not for those who encourage us and support us, what would the point of being independent be? Who would we help and what would we stand up for?