Life is supposed to throw you obstacles. It is key how you choose to overcome them. The way you climb over mountains and trek through valleys molds you. Nothing is ever easy, we all learned that at a young age, but life is an adventure, and yes I know you’ve probably heard that way too much. You can make it an adventure or you can make it miserable, is that better?
High school will never prepare you for what the real world has in store for you. I’m not saying being in high school puts you in some false reality, but you are still very much protected from the reality outside those school doors. There are so many ugly truths school doesn’t teach you; so many beautiful moments you never dream of experiencing in your lifetime.
There are so many standards once you enter into society; some that don’t even make sense. College is always the golden path for social acceptance, but to tell you the truth sometimes it doesn’t fit you right away, at least not the way you so desperately want it to. Guess what? That’s totally fine. Sometimes it won’t ever fit you, and other times you slowly grow into it.
You aren’t a failure because you didn’t get it figured out when everyone else wanted you to. In fact more props to you for taking your time at life. It’s not easy to go against the grain and not run along with society. I actually mean run because we are all so quick to get where we want to be, and find who we are going to be that we miss the beautiful journey it takes to arrive there.
My major was changed three times in college, and it was simply because I was afraid of what people might think. If I don’t go to school for something that will bring me wealth how will I ever even be happy? Ha that’s a joke. Money can never make you happy, it can make a really good security blanket though. That’s usually more important to people than anything. We waste so much time trying to plant money trees, we miss out on the ones that Mother Nature gave us.
You will find few people that pull you to a slower pace, the ones that just make you notice things. They show you that the struggle is part of the journey; and that the journey is absolutely beautiful. They make you realize that every decision isn’t going to make or break you, it’s just going to add some character to you.
You aren’t wrong for taking your time in life. I look up to you if you are struggling or falling behind because that means you don’t have it figured out yet. It means you’re learning. We take advantage of our ability to learn; it’s actually an incredible thing we do.
There is so much wisdom floating through the universe and we are only allowed to inhale it when we take the time to breathe. Which unfortunately isn’t too often. Our minds become filled with so much nonsense over the years that we think struggling is an inconvenience but really it’s a blessing. It reminds us that we don’t have it all figured out, and that were not supposed to. The real thing about struggling is at that moment we learn the most. That’s the universes way of forcing us to slow down and learn from what it has to offer. A society on the run, that’s where we live. How do you learn in society that doesn’t allow you to even retain the information?
After college is another hard reality, finding a career, trying to make everyone proud; it sounds so simple but if you’ve been there you know it’s not. Again the confusion continues in life, we are only confused though because we are again trying to fit a mold. Instead of embracing the struggle, and growing with it, we cower and think we will never be able to do anything FAST enough. You will do it though, in your own time.
Time has become such a factor in this reality; we always have to be somewhere, but never where we are. We struggle to understand the concept of time and that’s because we know it shouldn’t matter but for some unknown reason it does. We have to quiet our minds and allow our struggles to consume us only then will we learn a little more about ourselves. If you are struggling, you are living, and who doesn’t want to be alive. So more power to you for living YOUR life, not the one society pre-approved.