It is no joke when they say you will be broke in college. Which is very ironic when college is the time most of us get our first job, and yet we are still broke.
It is also no joke when they say college is expensive, regardless of where you go the amount you are paying for your education is ridiculous.
Our education is a right not something we should pay immense amounts for.
And we still have other things to pay for now that most of us live on our own. Aside from that, loans suck! So how is it that our world glorifies this idea of education, but to get an education is the toughest thing?
So many kids avoid attending a university due to the amounts of money they have to pay. Money should NOT be an issue. Not an issue entering school or an issue to worry about while we are in school.
For the most part, those who are attending a university are there because we want to be there! So as students we should fight for our education and fight to have this be our right as it should be!