What is the GBF you ask? – If you have not seen the motion picture named after this acronym, it stands for Gay Best Friend. Despite the recent popularization of gay culture, having a friend who is homosexual isn’t anything new seen amongst society.
What needs to be addressed are the expectations and stereotypes people have about having a gay friend. Such as why are homosexuals referred to as the 'gay friend’ rather than just ‘my friend’? Why is it assumed every gay man likes the color pink and wine? Even though the friendships made are valuable, roles or awkward situations are often placed on a ‘GBF’ because of societal norms. It is safe to say that having a gay best friend is far more glamorous than BEING the GBF.
This article goes into common situations homosexuals are involved in everyday.
You are the ‘GBF’ when you’re always introduced as the ‘gay’ best friend. Of course it is out of nothing but love, however, it's simpler to just address that person as a friend without attaching the label. It's basically introducing someone like, "Hey, here is my straight friend, she's great!" It is unnecessary, sexual preference shouldn't be used to title people. Being a homosexual just means you prefer the same sex. Try, "Here is my good friend, _____!"
Expected to know a little about everything feminine and even be asked questions about other homosexuals and how we live. Gay men know it all, right? : Hair, makeup, decorating, and every lyric of any Beyoncé song. Which can be true but is not true for a substantial number of people within the LGBTQ community. No one would expect a gay man to ride an ATV, play football for the majority of their life, or farm work, but it happens because everyone is capable of having those experiences regardless of sexual preference. This comes to show how everything is either masculine or feminine in society. Genders shouldn't be limited to only like specific things like the colors we like or clothes we wear, straight or not.
Funny how big of a deal is made about being gay, and it’s effortless. Not because I say so, if it wasn’t then why would an athlete or any celebrity coming out of the closet be such huge news?
To continue If anything begins with “..I hope this doesn’t offend you” more than likely it will come off as such. Don't say it. LGBT readers you’ll feel all too familiar with this.
Questions commonly asked are “who is the boy and girl in the relationship?” // “How do two men have sex?”Um, excuse me. I was just wondering… cause I wasn’t sure. Don’t take offense, but you’re gay, right?” First, before there is a response I want to know why she wants to know my sexual preference. Does it matter? Another typical phrase: “Well I figured, since the way you dress and talk that you were.” …
Not all gay men are just friends with girls. It is common to be friends with about anyone just as anyone else. Although the idea having a gay friend sounds glamorous or intimidating, they are still just like you.
Next time you’re looking at someone across the room and you want to stereotype him/her. Walk up to them, assume nothing, and start with Hello. People are unique and everyone deserves the chance to be figured out for who THEY are as a person, not a label. If you’re lucky you’ll end up befriending someone spectacular. A best friend.
Here is a situation that illustrates the sort of thing a gay man can experience.
Henry Bragg is a transferring college student that decided to try something new as he continues his education. Meets a group of girls he meshes with and befriends the classmates. One day Henry accompanied his new friends to a local grocery store. The cashier checking out Ashley asks her if she would like her receipt and wished her a good day and to come back again. On the way back Ashley immediately turns to the Henry and asks him why the cashier was speaking flamboyantly as if he was ‘forcing his gayness’ onto her.
Henry didn’t know what to say but all he thought was, who was he to judge a person for the way he performed his job/ spoke to Ashley. The cashier was simply being himself.
- Ashley cannot be criticized harshly. People are ignorant to the fact that people can be different and don’t have to be anyone’s standard of ‘normal’. Instead of reacting in what could be seen as immature it is helpful to clarify people are different and can’t be judged like a book cover.
It is time people break the stigmas placed on gay men, in particular. We aren't some sort of alien species people have to figure out or study to understand. There isn't anything else to know other than the fact they are living humans who have feelings and opinions too.
So what is the point?
The point is to stop questioning people's sexuality. It is time people break the stigmas placed on homosexuals. We aren't some sort of alien species people have to figure out or study to understand. There isn't anything else to know other than the fact they are living humans who have feelings and opinions too. If you have to ask then you already know. Understand that a gay man may not like makeup just as any girl who didn't like barbie dolls. People deserve the freedom of expression and don't need to feel criticized for not behaving according to what others expect.
Don't be something you're not.
This doesn't make any 'Will & Grace" friendship any less special. A friend is going to love you for the person you are. A love interest will like you for who you are, masculine or not - [ Whatever that means]. However it's the fact America has been jaded from seeing that all people are capable of being unique and have more to show than just their sexuality.
A gay man can be a friend, not the GBF.