I’ll be honest. Heck yeah I’ve been extremely stressed the past few weeks trying to find every waking minute to finish projects, papers, and study for exams. I do this all while working two jobs during the week. You could say my stress levels are through the roof at the moment. It’s good to have friends that share funny sayings on Facebook that relate to the stress of college and finals. Here is my favorite, the stresses of finals as told through the “12 Days of Christmas”:
12 Cups of Coffee
Every moment possible, I think every college student can relate to, coffee becomes your lifeline. It is your only means of survival to get through the last few weeks of the semester. I may have blood shot eyes, but don’t worry, the only way I’m possibly functioning is due to my insane amounts of coffee I have drank.
11 Mental Breakdowns
I can say that just about every day this past month to two months I have cried. I have cried myself to sleep and cried while working on projects. I’m sure my professors love the tear stained papers, it adds a nice touch.
10 Long Pages
Oh don’t worry, I’ve had to write a 10 page paper in a day since my laptop decided not to save all of the work that I had done on it.
9 Hour Deadline
Just have to love the professor that decides to change the due date to the next class day by sending an email the night before. Thanks for the lovely heads up!
8 Cited Sources
Do you want it in MLA or APA format? No clear instructions? Well… here’s what I have, this is what you’re going to get.
7 Days to Do It
HA a week to do an assignment?! Don’t worry; I’ll definitely work on it in between my 7 to 10 hour work shifts and my sleep time, not a problem.
6 Days I Wasted
More like those 6 days I worked on other projects or had to work crazy long shifts. So yes, I am prepared to pull an all nighter just to complete this project.
In between me drinking my coffee and having my mental breakdowns, the amount of stress I feel is insane. Everything hurts, you’re lucky I’m able to walk my dear professors.
4 Shots of Espresso
In order to efficiently concentrate on all of the work that needs to be completed in the very little time given, I have stock piled espresso shots in order to make any of these assignments make sense.
3 Days Since I Slept
Sleep? What’s sleep? Hopefully I can remember what a bed looks like by the time I’m done with this semester.
2 Words on My Page
Yes, I’ve had my laptop open for the past two hours. Do you think I have any motivation to type this paper? I’ve gotten so much done on it that I was able to put my name on the document. You should be glad that I can remember my name.
And a Rubric that is Not Clear
Oh boy… what the heck is this asking me to do? I’ll just stare at this for the next hour trying to wrap my head around what it is saying.
To all of the college students, I wish you the best of luck, and “may the odds be ever in your favor” for finals.