Midterms are right around the corner and it’s around the time when you are so stressed that you feel like you are failing eight classes, but you’re only taking four.
Let me just get it out right here and say that school is stressful, and the classwork can be way harder than you ever thought was possible. It’s about that time of the year when you suddenly have six tests, four papers, and two reflections due by the end of the week. If you are finding yourself in a situation where you're stressed out and want to quit remember that it's okay to feel like that, just don’t give up. Sometimes I think people often forget that emotions are a normal thing.
First off, there’s a reason you are here. Don’t lose sight of where you are headed. Although you might not know what you want to do later in life, you have some goals, so keep those in your sight always. You didn’t come to school for the parties or the cute boys, you came here to make a difference in the world one day. Go to parties and go meet cute boys, but don’t forget why you are actually in school. You are smarter than you think, and you can do it. Whatever your goal is in life, you have the capability to accomplish it.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it will be okay. That test you just failed? Job interview that you didn't get? Boyfriend or girlfriend that just broke your heart? Fight with your friend? E v e r y t h i n g will be okay and work its way into place eventually. You are going to have weeks where you have a test in every class and things go wrong and it will be stressful, but you can handle it. It's important to remember that everybody makes mistakes, and that is how you learn, so if you don’t do so well on one of the tests, just learn from that experience.
And lastly, you are doing much better than you think. You’re studying so you can make a difference in the world with whatever career path you choose, and that's pretty awesome. You have so much to offer to this world, so find out what it is and show the world what you have to offer. You might not know it, but I’m proud of you, and so are many other people. Keep doing you and chugging along because you can handle whatever life is gonna throw at you next.