We're constantly looking for cures and ways to solve circumstances, yet the greatest cure of all is something we all possess... Love.
Love can decrease depression (also applies to anxiety and stress) in the mind and in the body. The feeling of love releases endorphins into the body and this surge reduces the effects depression has on the body. We find happiness in being happy with someone, which is sometimes all we need in life. Experiencing love with someone who is truly worth it just makes complete sense. Being someone who has struggled with depression, at any instance when I feel like I am close to that setting again all I want is to surround myself with the person who makes me feel loved. Sharing love with that one special person or group of people is noted to pull you out of this state and with depression being so common in people it's important we find ways to share love throughout the world.
Love can also create a positive impact on the lives of all parties who are truly dedicated. With strong epidemics and wars on violence it is important we love harder than we ever before. We all have our beliefs on why certain instances occur in this world, but I'm sure we can all agree on the simple fact that people of today's society refuse to love. However, not only is it common sense, but love has been proven to stop a person's association to crime and hatred. When love comes into play that person who has been caught up in "shitty" circumstances have an overall feeling to please or accommodate to ones will after they have sought through that person's particular past. This creates the desire for loved ones to want to keep trying at the sense of pleasing the one who has been there for them. With these just being a few scenarios our generations are faced with it's plain to see that we need to stop thinking cures should be taught out by chemicals and injections or therapy. Being open minded and accepting in life and in a person's life creates the desire for someone to change and to keep them from suffering from other ailments.
Love is such a powerful tool and sharing love can be so easy. Love has no limitations or boundaries. Even just showing a single ounce of compassion and support towards someone you don't even know makes a huge difference. A simple smile, a hug, asking how someone's day went, or just listen to what someone has to say; are just examples of how we can display affection to people socially and genuinely. Love doesn't have to just be shared between yourself and a partner or your family, love can be shown towards just about anyone by just being kind. Stop hating everyone in this world because you don't agree with their values. Stop hating everyone because you're scared of letting your guard down. Open your hearts and your minds and I promise this world would be such a beautiful place to live.
The cure to past, present, and future progression of this disease stricken world is literally within us. Love harder than you ever have before.