I am beyond blessed to have been a member of Sigma Kappa during my time at Missouri State University. Even at this point in my life as an older millennial, I can still say that there is a common misconception about the Greek system. My time as a member in the Greek community that I cherished for four years and one that I cherish even more so a decade after graduation.
One thing that I found in my personal experience was the lack of hazing. Sure, roll your eyes. That's fine. If you were a GDI or feared you would be hazed, I have to say you are likely wrong. Never once was I ever hazed. It's a terrible misconception that everyone in the Greek system is hazed. It simply isn't true.
I also hate the misconception that living in a sorority house (or fraternity house) is a nightmare. I heard from all of the nay-sayers that living in the house would be horrible, distracting and catty. Not true either. Living in the sorority house for two and a half years was my decision. I do not regret a single moment of it. There was always someone to go on late-night runs to Taco Bell or Walmart. There was always someone to go with to walk to the library (yes, we went!) and there was always someone to get tips for professors or classes from. There were always inside jokes (to the girls who remember the "races" on the dining table, this shoutout is to you) and that was the beauty of living there for as long as I did. I got to know the older girls and I got to know those who came in as members after I did. Every night was a slumber party and an experience with like 50 of your closest friends.
Let's jump to the point. There is strength still in being a sorority alumna. It isn't just the best four (sometimes more, sometimes less) years of your life. Well, it is... However, it is also more than that. It is more than just finding your bridesmaids. It truly is about knowing that even later in your life, even when time has passed and you might not even get to connect as much as you used to, your sisters are still there for you.
As an adult, you might even find that there are sisters that you have more in common with than you ever realized. If someone is struggling through life problems, there is always someone to reach out to, even if you weren't close before. You constantly are learning and growing as a person and you realize that your sisters are just like that too.
We are the fraternity chasing, mimosa drinking ladies in letters for a short time.
After that, we become even tighter even though distance is often farther apart. It's hard to get the old group back together again but even for a few hours, it would be so amazing to have all of your closest friends right there all over again. Years after you have gone alumna, you still have a bond that really does last forever.
There is still a connection. There are fond memories to look back on and still new memories to make.
After nearly 10 years, I saw a couple of my sorority sisters and wow! Though our lives are completely different and we might have flashbacks of who we used to be, we can also look at them and admire the hardworking women and moms they have become. True Greek life in the sense of being in the hype of it all only lasts a short while in comparison to the lifetime it really lasts. It never was or has been about "buying your friends."
You earn trust from others and learn to trust them too. They become your go-to people because some of us never had biological sisters and because we had so many memories together that really are the best years of life. But it's amazing when you realize that no matter wherever you go, you might just run in to someone who also knows your secret motto or handshake. It may sound trivial, but it's a really amazing feeling.
Example...Today I found I needed strength because I was going through something tough...I put on my sorority ring with the letters on it and it made me think of my sisters. It reminded me that there is still always someone to call. I found strength in knowing that they would be standing behind me and supporting me if they physically could be with me at that given point in time.
Does it sound cheesy? I'm sure it does if you never knew the strength of the bond. If you missed out, I'm sorry. You really did miss out. Joining Greek life (and yes, I still have friends in numerous other Greek organizations, both fraternity and sorority including service sororities and professional fraternities) is ultimately the best decision a person can ever make. It's not just arts and crafts and glitter and decorations. Those are keepsakes though. Hang on to them!
I won't lie. When I am out and about and I am near the college campuses, even if it wasn't near my alma mater, if I see a girl wearing my letters, I still go up and give her a "One Heart, One Way," whisper. She might look at me kind of funny, but deep down, there's a connection. Where there is someone wearing the same letters you do or the same letters you have, that person will never be a stranger. Deep down, she is your sister and the history of the Greek organization and the knowledge that you collectively share, is all amazing. The connection is much stronger than you will ever imagine, even when you are an alumna. The sisterhood truly lasts forever.
Dove love, sisters.
Dedicated to my Sigma Kappa sisters, near and far. I love you, I miss you and I can't wait until we meet again. And if I've never met you, I hope you're proud to be my sister because I'm honored to call you mine.