This is the story of when your best friend goes to a different college. The story of how your other half, piece of you, baby boo, goes off to experience life hours and hours away from you. It’s a painful process excepting the fact that your BFF, partner in crime, forever friend and soul mate in friendship form isn’t here to do life with you. A process that demands you two spend every waking moment together before you have to say goodbye.
It’s hard to complain she’s leaving when you're happy to watch her go. You're happy to see her transform into the beautiful person she’s becoming, adding on to what she already is. But happy to see that after all these years she's just as weird as she was in middle school rocking the gauchos and Justice tank tops. You see in her how much potential, love and purpose she has that half of you wants to kick her out the door and watch her change the world. But the selfish part of you wants to keep her by your side to help you take on the world. These two emotions battle on the daily and cause most of your post bff departure breakdowns.
So this is to you, best friend:
Who else is going to sing 2008 Taylor Swift with me? Seriously, who is going to hold my hand in the car and scream out every lyric of “Back To December”? Who else is going to cry over the stupid boys we used to talk to? Who else is going to fight with me over absolutely nothing? Who else is going to slap me cross the face and tell me the truth when I'm doing something stupid? Who else is going to reenact the poetry slam scene from "22 Jumpstreet" with me (you better not do it with anybody else)? Who else is going to read my mind when nobody else has a clue? Who else is going to be the person I complain to, cry to and sing to? Who else is going to have such a hold on my past like you have? Who else is going to? I need these answers. Because I truly don't want another you.
It’s hard going off to different colleges when part of you is missing. But you know she’ll do great and that’s why half of you is happy. The other part just wants your BFF back.