Studying abroad can be a culture shock, but there are always those subtle reminders that wherever you go you'll always find a little piece of home. You might even begin to realize that other cultures are not so different after all.
As I walked through the streets of Paris I came across this charming abode a house with a bookstore called Shakespeare and Company, and ended up being way more than just a room filled with books. This is the sacred space that enabled me to connect to different cultures on a deeper level. As I wandered around this store it dawned on me how many familiar books I was coming across. There were the typical classics you would see in American bookstores. My mind sank into deep thought.
Language is a barrier our two countries have, yet literature is something that brings our culture together. The morals and lessons that these books provide to readers are the same no matter what country we live in. The story is always the same and two different countries can share this common ground. It became so clear to me that something so simple could bring cultures together. As I put down The Tale of Two Cities and looked around the store filled with character in more than one way, I visually saw the emerging of different cultures. The room was filled with people from America, England, Scotland, and France. I developed an open mind to acceptance of culture. This sacred space helped me view culture in a non-judgmental way.
Research has been done to show that the connection between culture and literature is stronger than we think, “Literature represents a powerful merging of language, affect, and intercultural encounters”(Shanahan). I truly felt like our worlds were colliding in one small cottage.
This small quant bookstore was filled with connections and inspirations. I came to an abrupt halt as I approached the staircase. The vibrant red stairwell read, “ I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being”(Hafiz). This quote solidified that all of our cultures are different for a reason, but if you embrace and take pride in your own self then we can find the light in each other’s culture as well.