I am the Material, and I am the Maker.
Throwing myself into life with a purpose
It hits like a smack in the face
And then I’m stuck.
And I begin to turn, is this really a direction at all?
Haven’t I done all this before?
What is the point? I'm back
Where I started. Telling myself
"I have a purpose and I have a goal".
And so a single drop of water seals fate.
My life is jumbled in too many ways to count pieces of
Me going in every direction.
I spin circles gaining speed
Fighting for control of myself while life stresses
Pull me upwards, pressing me down
Pressure is natural, stay in control.
I am flexible, potential, willing, and material;
Intuitive, commanding, authoritative, I am the maker.
As Material, I agree to let the maker have the control of my chaos
As Maker I attempt to coax control from the chaos of the material.
Don’t forget the foundational support from which everything else builds.
And I build. I feel with my own hands the potential for nothing at all.
The potential for anything.
Needing to be done.
Become becomes became
I want to BE, but growth
Creation is rarely simple.
Painfully stretched, I’m sure you can see the imperfections,
My mistake, do you know?
I haven't aimed for perfection. Yet
The material is under my hand, fighting back
In the same way I resist
Leadership is nonautonomous.
And can I pull beauty out of mud?
Become something,
Each time around again
"Repeat after me"
Pieces on classes on people on material, repeat.
What has been made beautiful,
Made intrinsically simple
Made blatantly obvious.
To be necessary to all,
Potentially none.
Maintain relationship, balance
Yourself for them.
Predict the unexpected,
Gaze through glossy mortar getting nowhere.
Intangible change doesn't count.
Counting on physical progress to replace
Hypothetically half formed thought,
Which Values?
Still there is abandoned unfinished product
Hands off! Time is up, material Maker!
Watch for mistakes, Maker.
You haven't stopped crying
You're Material, drying, unfinished, product to be
Come like yourself.
Maker, mold into what has already been made
Your place.
Indent into the world your identity.
Make me proud.