Once final exams are over and everyone goes home for winter break, we are often plagued with the thought of "OK, now that we don't have homework, what do we do?" Many of us turn to Netflix. Starting a new series can be very exciting and you have to set aside a lot of time if you want to really crank out a show. Winter break is the perfect opportunity to lay in bed all day and watch that show all of your friends have been talking about. Trying to get through a whole series come in various stages.
When you first pick out the next show you want to watch, all you can think about is when you can start watching it.
2. It's time to start watching!
Once you finally sit down to watch it, it suddenly becomes your life. You feel emotionally connected to the characters and story.
3. I can't stop watching
Once a couple (or dozen) episodes go by, you realize now it's too late to go back or stop watching. You physically cannot stop, and thank goodness for auto-play next episode.
4. Start losing sleep over it
"Just one more episode" is probably the biggest lie we tell ourselves while watching Netflix. Along with this stage comes, "Oh my gosh it's 4 a.m.!?"
5. 2 Days Pass by
... on to season 4
6. OK, I need a break
At this stage, you realize all the responsibilities you have neglected and start getting your life back together. Or finally find time to text your friends saying how into this show you are.
7. I need to watch again
You start thinking about how much you love the show and realize in order to live you have to watch it.
8. You start falling asleep to it
You start getting a little tired of it (and need to catch up on sleep anyways), so you start falling asleep mid-episode.
9. Start using it for background noise
You still want to watch, but want to also want to move on with your life, so you play it in the background as you do other things or just to try to finish it.
10. Realize you missed a lot and start over again
Once you actually sit down to watch you start realizing there are characters you don't know, or they mention something that happened and you can't remember the event and so you go back a couple of episodes.
11. Rinse and Repeat.
'Nuff said.