This one is for those obsessed with the Bachelor, the Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise. I love it, I hate it, but I just can't seem to look away, and here's why.
Yay! Get hype! The new season is starting, and you can’t wait to sit down and watch the drama that is about to unfold.
You pick your favorites and are already invested in the girls or guys that seem to be the most likable. You dream about their futures and cheer every time that things go well for them.
A public enemy or two begin to emerge and you, along with everyone in the entire bachelor watching population, hate this person. They suck. They are rude. You question how someone could be this unlikeable. Like even you yourself would be a better candidate for the show than them. You’re appalled at their behavior.
One of your favorite people gets sent home. How is this happening? You wonder why you are even watching this show. It’s so trashy. You hate yourself for spending so much time staring at your TV screen, engrossed in this ridiculous drama. But at the end of the day, you just can’t look away. You’re still pissed that your favorite person got sent home though. This show must be staged (it most definitely is).
Here you are, sitting down yet again to watch the next episode. You claim a new favorite. Yet you are still appalled at how the contestant that no one likes is still on the show. How can anyone be so stupid as to give this individual a rose week after week? This is ridiculous. He or she does stuff like this:
This is the most dramatic and nerve racking rose ceremony yet. Your favorite didn’t have that promising of a week, and you’re so nervous that he or she is going to be sent home. No, this can’t happen, it just can’t. It’s unfathomable.
And, and, and … your favorite is safe! Phew, close call on that one.
EXCEPT HOW IS THIS IDIOT STILL ON THE SHOW? Your sigh of relief quickly turns into a huff of anger.
You keep watching and watching, more drama ensues (of course). Maybe someone does something completely stupid trying to impress the Bachelor or Bachelorette. Something like this perhaps…?
Okay, okay. Hold your horses, it’s time for the SEASON FINALE. You’re getting prepared, but you know who you want to win. You’re basically daring the Bachelor or Bachelorette to pick the person you don’t want. You’re confident and you’re getting almost arrogant. It has to go how you want it to go.
And it happens. It finally happens. The person you want to win is now happily engaged (I mean, they probably will break it off soon, but who knows). You can now die content.
I personally identify with all of these emotions and hope you do too. I'm probably currently catching up on Bachelor in Paradise instead of studying for Probability Theory and Calculus, so cheers to that.