It’s finally August and most of us are getting ready to move back to school in about two weeks. These last few weeks can seem to drag on while you experience a whirlwind of feeling about returning to school. So, try and prepare for what's ahead because it's going to be a long couple of weeks.
Stage 1: Boredom
Summer jobs can suck, especially if you’re performing the same ice cream scooper tasks 40 hours a week. On those few hours you’re off work, you’re either sleeping or lounging around in your house sucking up the A/C. All you want is a break from your embarrassingly lame summer, even if it means going back to school.
Stage 2: Nostalgia
The whole time you're hanging out with your high school buds, you think of how much you miss seeing your best friends from campus at all hours of the day. It’s torture to go months without seeing them knowing they can be hundreds of miles away.
Stage 3: Rebellion
No matter how old you are, when you move back home for the summer you will still be asked to eat a normal diet, do chores, and come back home at a reasonable hour. It’s nice to see family, but you’re really overdue for a night out where you come stumbling back in from your booze cruise at 4 a.m. without having to worry about waking up your parents.
Stage 4: Debt
It's getting a little too close to move in day for you to keep avoiding your tuition bill. After all the ridiculous fees, you really feel like you're forever indebted to the university.
Stage 5: Stress
There are some that will be packed for school in June. Most of us will be throwing everything together approximately 12 hours before move in day, inducing a panic about whether you should really pack your entire shoe collection even though you only wore two pairs all year. On top of this, you're finally coming to the realization that along with moving back in, classes begin again.
Stage 6: Excitement
It’s move in day! Everyone is running around, decorating their rooms, and reuniting with their best buds. It doesn’t matter that you actually forgot to bring any school supplies because at least you are finally back home.
Stage 7: Regret
You roll over in bed at 7:50 a.m. for your first 8:00 a.m. class of the semester and wonder why you were waiting so eagerly to come back. From here begins a spiral downward of constant assignments, Sodexo meals, and battles over a parking spot. Day two of classes is the approximate time that you start counting down to winter break.