When the Hannah Montana marathon aired on TV, my roommate and I were beyond excited to binge watch it. This show reminds us of our childhood, and taught many valuable lessons as we were growing up. Whether Miley Stewart (aka Hannah Montana) was with her big family, performing on stage, or going through high school with her best friends; each episode holds a life lesson. By being in college, we have finals coming up. So why not tell the world the stages of having a final, through the show of Hannah Montana.
Stage 1. That face you make when you should be studying, but instead watch 12 episodes on Netflix.
Stage 2. When you finally start to focus and look at all of the material that you have to study.
Stage 3. When you’re so stressed out from studying that your hair starts to fall out.
Stage 4. That quick dance break.
Stage 5. When you’ve studied so much, that you finally feel confident enough to crush this final.
Stage 6. The feeling of hatred you have for your professor due to the final being way harder than they said it was going to be.
Stage 7. Your face when you see your grade.
Stage 8. When you realize that you’re human, you tried your best, and most importantly- everybody makes mistakes and everybody has those days!
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