God announced the greatest news that one could have ever heard: Beyonce (aka Queen) is pregnant with twins. TWINS. If you hadn't heard that yet then you probably live under a rock. I am sorry that you have to see more about it, especially if you're tired of seeing it, but here is a list of all the emotions that you went through when you saw this amazing news.
Days before Queen dropped the news.
Everything was horrible. The government is going crazy, and every media notification on your cell phone is negative. Everything is dark and you feel like nothing is going to lighten up.
Hours before
You've just about given up on everything and it's not even February yet.
Scrolling through your Instagram feed, expecting nothing
Seems so casual
Beyonce posted a picture
Hold everything...Queen just said something.
You see the picture first
What is this....omg...omg
You read the caption
You process the caption
"Our family has been blessed by two" OMG WHAT TWINS?
You read it again, and again, and again
You read it so much that you have memorized it by this point. Staring at the picture you have burned it to your brain.
You open other social media apps
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
You see this is EVERYWHERE
Even an update from CNN?
Everyone is talking about it
And you partake in it because it means so much to you
You post something about it
You think about Blue and Jay and what they're doing
You keep looking back at that picture
9.4 Million LIKES???? DAMN BEY. You go girl
It's been a couple days --people are still talking about it
This is the type of conversation I can get into