I have begun to clean out my dorm room in preparation for the moment my RA gives me the boot and I return to my home (and my pets, mind you). And as it is early enough in the week to procrastinate fully, I find that the overwhelming task of moving out may be more calming than preparing for an even more terrifying task--exams. So, here are the stages of what it's like tearing apart my much-loved room.
#1. Mad determination.
You scan your room and feel a strange sensation in your chest. Whether it's heartburn or determination,you survey the task at hand and feel that it is achievable.
#2. Sudden Realization
It is evident that you have overestimated the amount of work to do. The bed looks cozier and cozier. you feel yourself slipping.
#3. *Lays on Floor, Thinks about Past*
This is a real stage.You think of all the things you did or did not do, becoming instantly regretful of trying to be productive.
#4. Burst of Motivation
You find strength and begin to work again. The floor calls out to you and you ignore its pleas. You begin to sweat and wonder how you could have put off cleaning.
#5. Back to the Floor
The floor has won. You have lost again. There are piles surrounding you and you are overcome with a desire to cease all work. And maybe even study for exams.
#6. Cleaning at Random Hours
Sporadic cleaning overtakes you over the next couple days. You sort through clothes at midnight and pack away books during Hulu's ads.
#7. "Whose room is this?" syndrome
You begin to wonder whose room this is after taking down photos, posters, packing away anything non-essential. The barren wasteland only houses your emotions.
#8. Emotion Takeover
You have done it. Your room is clean. It is empty and maybe you are too.
#9. You're Done
You realize you've been dramatic and leave your room because at least you're coming back next year. And then you can start this whole process over again. *sighs*