We all move sometime. Whether that be to a new house or a college dorm, we all go through similar stages during our moving in process. Only the quirky Tina Fey could capture my emotions as I moved into a new home.
The “I can’t believe this place is actually mine” Stage
Wow, I’m living on my own. This place is my castle and I am the Queen.
The “Oh God where am I going to put all of this stuff” Stage
When did I get this much stuff?! Where is it all supposed to go? I should be on that show, Hoarders.
The “Okay, so let’s figure out how everything works…” Stage
Why are there so many settings on this washer and dryer? The one at home was much simpler…I have to hit start twice to get the dishwasher to start? That’s too much to ask. Okay, I swear this toaster oven hates me. I’m done.
The “Wow I’m tired of cooking already” Stage
How does my mom keep this up all of the time? I’m having ramen tonight…and maybe tomorrow night.
Is the house being broken into? Is it a ghost? Or a demon? We’re all going to die.
The “I’m finally finding my routine here” Stage
Okay, there’s a Dollar General around the corner for cheap groceries. I know where the best delivery comes from. I know how to get to most places without a GPS. No tears, I’ve got this.
The “Welcome to my house” Stage
My roommates and I have now made this house our home. Welcome, nerds. Make sure you take your shoes off at the door.