It's that time of year again—spring cleaning is upon us. Old clothes, books and forgotten knick knacks are ready to make their way out of our lives for good.
But in the process of refreshing our physical environments, we often forget to take care of our emotional environments. Our souls need as much cleaning as our closets.
If we don't take the time to reevaluate what habits and experiences are helping us grow, we'll be overloaded and overwhelmed. An emotional cleanse will propel us into renewed energy and joy, mirroring the blossoming of springtime.
Here is my guide to spring cleaning your spirit.
Face it.
It can be pretty overwhelming to face the amount of excess crap we accumulate over time. Whether it's a box in the basement of childhood relics, or deeply ingrained habits and memories, we all have clutter we choose not to address.
Meditation is one way to look closely at our thought patterns and begin the process of sorting through our emotions. Like opening an old, dusty box, it requires a calm and aware presence. When you truly face your mental demons, you can begin to understand them.
Identify what no longer serves you.
Haven't worn that shirt in three years? Grew out of those shoes in eighth grade? As you sort through your collections of piled-up stuff, you will be able to identify what you no longer need.
The same can be said for thoughts and habits. Once you face your emotional closet, evaluate how your mentalities or behaviors affect you. You might want to ask yourself questions like, "Is my relationship with this person encouraging growth and love?" and "Does my perspective of myself contribute to gentle, kind behaviors?" The answers to these kinds of questions will help you understand if your attitudes and activities cause you harm or happiness.
Let it go.
When you recognize what no longer serves you, the natural progression is letting go. Just as disposing of unnecessary clutter is the central aspect of spring cleaning, letting go is the central aspect of cleansing your soul.
It's important to manage the energy in your mental space by holding an attitude of non-attachment. Sometimes we identify with the habits, people or feelings that are prevalent in our lives. But it's often these very things that keep us from reaching our full potential. Letting go means freeing ourselves from all too familiar suffering. It's the only way we can truly be ourselves.
Appreciate the beauty that is left.
Spring cleaning helps us understand what we need and what we don't. The clothes that are left in our closets aren't only the ones we've treasured all along, but ones we've overlooked amidst unnecessary clutter. And so it is in the mind.
In our practice to let go of what no longer serves us, we can better see our beautiful and supportive qualities. Self-love is the most important aspect of this journey. Sorting through our mental environments helps us see our inner goodness, which is often overshadowed by harsh perceptions or toxic energy.
True "spring cleaning" is that which leaves us feeling renewed, purposeful and grounded within ourselves. As the Earth blooms into spring this year, consider an emotional cleanse to help you blossom into your happiest, purest self.