Going to college is tough, Working is tough, & living at home with your parents is something that is almost impossible to explain because you feel like you have to be an adult but you still live under their roof with their rules so thats always a fun little twist in there. So living at home, working, and going to school, is an interesting experience to say the least. Staying at home for college was a decision that was not hard for me to make. 2 years at community college and than go onto a university and live the life at college, but ya see things change. Life never pans out the way you plan. I have switched my major more times than I can count and what do I have to show for it… a few base courses and that is about it. Coming to the realization that you aren’t where you thought you would be is a scary thing for anyone. So many emotions start to surface. Am I wasting my time? Why am I even in school? Should I just get a job that doesn’t require a degree and than plan on going back? Millions and millions of questions haunted me every day because for once I had no answer. I had no plan, and truly did not know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I felt like I was just sliding by on life and not actually living. Everything around me felt like it was falling apart, but then one day something changed. I finally realized that change is okay and sometimes absolutely necessary. I’ve always been extremely resistant to any change at all so now having my whole future ahead of me, changing that was something I thought was impossible but I realized maybe a new path is what needs to happen. I could spend every single day sad and tearing myself down that I am not where I thought I would be in 2 years but I also don’t think I would have grown into the person I am now if I kept with the same plan. Sometimes the change that we resist the most is the one that brings us the most joy. No matter what anyone says it is okay to change your mind. I now look at these two years as learning years. I realized what I want and don’t want out of life and that my happiness has to come first, because in the end that is what will matter. I do not want to be the person in 40 years looking back thinking I rushed into a career that I did not truly want just to be the “norm”. I want to find my passion and pursue it and make it into a career because in the end, my happiness is all that will matter.
Student LifeApr 26, 2016
To the Sophmore Who Feels Like Giving Up
I finally realized that change is okay and sometimes absolutely necessary.