The Social Ladder. No one is a stranger to it. It's existed since basically first grade, when the "cool girls" got a new boyfriend every recess and chased boys on the monkey bars. Kids were automatically labeled "weird" when they did something intellectual during free time, and — *dun-duh-duh-duuuun* — the social ladder is born. It was there in middle school complete with school dance drama and braces. It was there in high school with parties and lunch tables. And it has NEVER DIED. Never.
So, cut to now. College. And the social ladder is taller than ever. People talk about (and actually careabout) who is dating what boy, what fraternity the boy is in, where they're from (because apparently being from certain places makes you cooler), how involved in the sorority they are, if they gained the freshman 15, how many date parties they've been invited to, how cute their clothes are and so on and so on. You're reading this, knowing it's true, and realizing how stupid it is, I know it.
Notice how hardly anyone says "Wow, I heard she's ahead on her major track and might be able to graduate early" or "Dang, did you hear about that internship she got?" or "She does her own thing and doesn't care what anyone thinks, that's AWESOME!" This is why I propose that we knock down the social ladder. And maybe burn it. (Is that too aggressive?)
(Quick disclaimer: girls that you think are only doing things to get to the top might actually be working their butts off, so don't write them off for being bimbos. I am not saying that "popular girls" are evil or even bad at all. Not trashing girls on the ladder.)
Instead of stepping on each other's faces to move up the ladder, let's all agree to be on the same platform. On the same rung, if you will. Let's agree to build each other up, and not try to hurt others by getting there. Let's agree to care about our real accomplishments, the ones that we came to college to achieve. No one went to college and said, "All I hope to achieve the next four years is to date a hot guy in a top fraternity, not gain weight, and basically do nothing else". (Well, I'm sure someone has said that but do you really want to be friends with that girl?)
There are the girls not on the ladder at all. They are ignoring all the incredible opportunities around them and all the chances they have to make a change because they are so worried about jumping high enough to catch the first bar. The social ladder is distracting us from our true potential. I know I'm guilty of this. I have wasted time and energy that could have been put towards something
Consider what you'll do if you get to the top of the ladder. Where the hell does this ladder even go? Is there even a top? Chances are, if you get to the top, you'll be a little bit bored, because it was the climb that was more exciting. *cue Miley Cyrus music*
What did you come to college to achieve? Did you come to figure out who you are? To figure out what you're meant to do? Or did you know that already, and you came to college to change the world? Did you come for an adventure? Did you come because you felt like it was the next step and you didn't have another option?
Figure out why you're here, and then build on it to do something great. And then, recognize the people that are doing great things. Truly, great things. The people that are going somewhere. The people that will come out of college knowing exactly where they want to make their mark on our world. These are the people that should be on top of the ladder! Build each other up, don't boost yourself up while tearing others down.
Consider the social ladder dead. It's knocked over and burned. RIP Social Ladder.