A Blur....The simplest way to describe my crazy and overwhelming first semester at Indiana University. Certain days seemed like an eternity, but looking back it really did fly by. Now entering my second semester, I do feel a bit more settled in my new home I call B-town, but trust me, I still have a lot more to figure out. I can now look back at the tears, laughter, and countless nights I ate microwave popcorn for dinner and google-mapped my way to class with a smile. I survived, and along the way, I learned a whole lot about myself.
I came to college ready to take on the world and call it my own. I was ready to get a 4.0 GPA, while attending every party, making a million friends, and joining every prestigious club possible. I was ready for a fresh start that would lead to future success. However, about a week in, my motivation started to decline. Before I could make Dean’s list and win a Pulitzer prize, I needed to find my way to class on time.
I started to focus more on small successes. I was proud of myself for getting the right textbooks for class, for making conversation with someone in the elevator, or for finding a new dining hall that had somewhat edible food. I realized I needed to try and settle before I could succeed beyond my wildest dreams.
To say that there will be ups and downs as a first semester freshman is too general of a statement. The emotions you will experience are too immense to scale. But that’s okay. It’s OKAY to miss your mom like crazy. It’s OKAY to feel lonely while eating at a dining hall by yourself. It’s OKAY to not get a 4.0 and to not join every club. It’s OKAY to not meet that life-long, maid-of-honor material, best friend right away. And most importantly, it’s OKAY to mess up and feel disappointed in yourself. This is a time of massive change- a change that I promise will turn out for the better. You will find happiness, you will find best friends, and you will figure it out; just don’t expect it all to come together in a few short months.
So my advice is to accept your vulnerability and don’t be too hard on yourself. Praise yourself for minor accomplishments and big-picture goals will come soon enough.