While it may seem fun to dehumanize families coming from a war-torn nation as just being a piece of candy, there are some factual problems with it. Donald Trump Jr. said that if three skittles were poisonous, would you still grab a handful? Of course, reasonably we would all not risk it and not eat a handful of skittles. The problem with this, however, is that the odds aren't anywhere close to what Trump Jr. depicted, and, most importantly, these aren’t just little bits of sugar: These are real people we are talking about. Trump and his supporters are annoyed with the politically-correct agenda, and normally I don’t think we have to be PC either. But if being honest and truthful about a situation is what PC is, then I’m all in.
Now I’ve never been great at those lottery games where you guess how many of something are in a container, but I’m quite certain there are not over 9 billion skittles in that bowl. Yes, according to the Cato Institute, it would be over 1 in 3,000,000,000 likelihood you will be harmed by a refugee, or a poisonous skittle in this case. Trump’s analogy makes it seem that we have something to fear when it comes to letting refugees into our country. In fact, most of our internal ISIS terrorist tragedies, like in San Bernadino, were not done by refugees: Refugees haven't actually done any damage to this country (The skittles are sounding better and better, aren't they?).
Refugees have had an impact on this country though. They’ve brought us people like Steve Jobs, and Freddy Mercury. So, to correct Trump Jr.’s analogy, if I gave you a roomful of skittles and told you that one might be poisonous but many others will give you superpowers and save lives, would you eat them? The right answer to this should be easy.
Here is a fixed picture for D.T. Jr., it's not necessarily politically correct. It's just correct.