For many, the Christmas Season is one that we look forward to all year. For others, there is that lingering dread about the seeming apocalypse of Early Christmas Decorating. As one who likes the season so much that I wish we could have it year-round, I had a discussion recently with someone, asking what the big deal was. The ensuing conversation revealed that there were actually a number of good reasons to delay displaying that holly wreath on the door.
One, no one who actually loves Christmas for what it is likes the commercialism. And unfortunately, it seems businesses are all too eager to get a head start on getting their loyal customers ramped up to start shopping for all those gifts for friends and family. They are Anti-Commercialists, and hopefully the largest percentage of the group.
That leads to the next issue: Some people hate the season, for no reason other than that they are alone. These have few if any friends or family to celebrate with, and every direction they turn, those decorations just give another mental reminder that they cannot enjoy the season the way other people do. They feel that the shorter the season, the better. They are the Unwillingly Socially Deprived.
Three, some people have developed the habit of becoming too invested in their festivities. These despise early decoration because, as with the above category, they face reminders; except these are about all those parties they committed to attend, set up, host, or even all the gifts they have to buy/craft for their oversized social circles. This weight of responsibility is something that perhaps they should have not signed up for in the first place, lest they end up like Tim Allen’s Kranks. They are the Over-Committed.
Four, some people are just plain Control Freaks. While these are likely the lowest percentage of the Anti-Premature Christmas Ornamentation Movement (APCOM), they are perhaps the one group alone worthy of ignoring.
Fifth, there are individuals that simply want to celebrate everything in its proper order, and that means spooky stuff for Halloween, fall-themed colors for Thanksgiving, and THEN they can worry about what tree to get for that year.
Sixth and last, some people just don’t want to take that special time for granted. By starting months before its time, it kind of dulls the feelings for the season that we should have in its phase. While this is a step I can certainly appreciate and respect, it does sadden me that others do not possess my ability to love it all the time. But then again, if we were all alike, that would kind of be a huge dullness in itself.
For those of you, who like me, struggle with why people see this seemingly innocent activity as an alleged apocalypse, I hope these reasons have helped your clarity as it has mine. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and wonderful merry Christmas season, even if you will put everything I have just written on a mental (or literal) backburner until the first week of December—or until it’s as black as the charcoal that naughty children get in their stockings.