In college you will meet a variety of people who are all just trying to get by. As college students we have a couple things in common: we're poor, tired, and just trying to be productive with our lives. However, there are always those very specific types of people we will all run into, or become, on our college campus.
1.The Rowdy Frat Guy Who Just Wants To Get Laid
I want to disclose that not all fraternity brothers are as douchey and disgusting as you see on TV. However, I can tell you from experience that there are those few fraternity brothers that make it their mission to get laid often and laid well. There's nothing wrong with these fellas wanting to get their freak on with every girl on campus. It's all in good fun, but we can only hope that they're at least wrapping their gifts... if you know what I mean.
2. The Strong Liberal Who Always Starts A Political Argument At Dinner
We all know this person, or in my case you are this person unfortunately. With the political tension that we've seen with this last election, it's not surprising that arguments over political views have been on the rise. Some liberals will stop at nothing to get their point across, even if it means yelling at the dinner table. But it's college; this is where liberals are born and bred (so get used to it)! And beware because not all liberals wear rainbow t-shirts and glasses.
3. The Republican Who Can Be Found Arguing With Said Liberal
Finding a republican on a college campus can be rare, but do not underestimate the power of these diamonds in the rough. They are more head strong than your most dedicated liberal, and they can always be found arguing with the aforementioned group from above. The college republicans are hard to find because in my experience they take the form of some forward thinking women. But nonetheless, I have managed to have civil conversations with my republican friends, and we still talk after.
4.The Stay-Up-Late-And-Study-ers
As surprising as it may be, there are a few college students who still go to school to learn. If you run into a Stay-Up-Late-and-Study-er, just back away slowly and leave them alone. Trust me; they have been studying that same chemistry unit for four hours straight and have consumed WAY too much caffeine. They can typically be found in the library, near the barista, and all buildings that stay open 24 hours.
5. The Girls That Just Want To Have Fun
These lovely girls are drawn to the fraternity houses like moths to flames. They're loud, and they like to drink like monsters. However, most of them are passed out after two drinks. Every song that comes on is their jam, and they will grind and twerk on anyone or anything with a pulse. Their goal is to have a good time but not remember any of it in the morning.
6. The “I Just Want To Sleep”-ers
These beautiful creatures are always sleeping. You won't find them out at parties on the weekend because they'll be busy taking a nap. They might oversleep for a class every now and again, or skip lunch so that they can catch a few z's before their next class. Either way if you ever run into one of these folks, you'll be amazed at their ability to still be tired even after sleeping for eight full hours and taking several naps.