As if it's not a choice? I don't feel sorry for women who jump from man to man and still don't know themselves very well because that's their choice, to keep looking for that significant other before finding themselves.
It's almost as if some people, mostly women, feel like a man defines you. What if I defined myself? What if hundreds of thousands of women defined themselves because they've come to the realization from a young age, probably teenage years, that a man does not always stay. Therefore if you choose to depend on a man financially that is how you become vulnerable.
Think about it.
If you as a woman find this guy who you are madly in love with and immerse yourself into this relationship, you may end up forgetting about your own goals and dreams. You put all your energy into pleasing "your man". You may end up marrying this person, have a couple of kids, and choose to be a stay at home mom. He may even cheat on you and more than likely you will stay because, we forgive right? You say, "it's the first time, people make mistakes, fuck ups happen". What happens if he cheats again, and again, and again, and again. Do you stay?
More than likely, if you are the "I feel sorry that you don't have a man" type of woman you will stay, because you already have this negative image of divorced and/ or single women. You already look down on them and no one wants to look down on you stay. If you are also the "It's a mans job to work and provide for the family" type of woman more than likely you will stay as well, for financial reasons. How is a career-less woman going to support herself and her children? The house wife life doesn't seem so lovely after all, does it?
I'm not saying that this is always the outcome for women who choose that lifestyle, I'm just saying that this is 2016 where women have options. We are executives, entrepreneurs and shot-callers. Many of us want to have a salary of our own. Why should we be judged because we chose a career over getting married and having a child right away? Instead we chose to start a relationship and have a child after we've established our careers. So stop judging us and we'll stop judging you.
"I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I only have to follow my heart and concentrate on what I want to say to the world. I run my world." - Beyonce