February 14th is one of the most happy and love filled days of the year...for couples. Sometimes I find myself thinking that the holiday name should be changed to "Valentine's Single Awareness Day". Going into the local Walmart and being surrounded by boxes of chocolate, flowers, and things in the shape of the classic heart can seem drowning, especially when you know you're not receiving any of it. However, you are not the only one who feels this way.
What are you doing this Valentine's Day? Moping is not an option! Here are 10 ways to celebrate your love for your own independence and own the night without sitting at home alone.
1. Enjoy a movie night.
Grab your favorite single gal pals and your gay best friends to have a Anti-Valentine's Day movie night. Watch something scary or a comedy. Challenge yourself to find a movie with no romance. But, it's up to you if you want to cry your eyes out at a Nicholas Sparks film. Oh, and don't forget lots of popcorn!
2. Treat yo' self to a spa day.
Who doesn't love to be pampered? Splurge on yourself! Get a massage, pedicure, facial, all of those services sent from heaven itself. Take the day to relax alone and or gossip with your closest girlfriends. Start out the year fresh and new by getting a complete makeover. Now, young and single, is the only time to dye your hair purple, just saying.
3. Make a list of why being single is awesome.
Pencil and paper serve as good witnesses when sometimes we need to be reminded of the good things in life. Think about all the things commitment would stop you from doing. If you can't think of any reasons then you're not trying because about a million just popped in my head.4. Go out on the town.
Dancing is honestly the cure for anything. You'd be surprised at how many more other singles are partying. After a few laughs and drinks, being single won't feel so bad. I'm not saying you will avoid couples this way, but tomorrow you'll be hungover and their relationship will go back to being normal along with the life size teddy bears being 50 percent off.5. Become a cake boss.
Whip out the apron! Valentine's Day is known for all types of sweets, especially chocolate. Don't turn down the opportunity to bake cookies, cake, brownies, or anything to cure a sweet tooth. The best part is that it's completely socially appropriate to put an overload of adorable pink/red decorations on your baked goods. While you're at it, grab some neighbors, friends or relatives to help you channel your inner Food Network star.
6. Shop until you drop.
7. Volunteer your time.
If you don't believe you'll receive love on Feb. 14th, than express it. Spread joy by volunteering at your local food pantry, hospital or homeless shelter. Sometimes the people who have the least to offer have the most love to give.8. Hit up the gym.
On a day where you are definitely not "feeling yourself", work up a sweat, have a good workout, and leave feeling accomplished. Plus, I bet there will be plenty of athletic, mouthwatering single guys lifting weights on a day they could care a less about too.
9. Dwell in your own puppy love.
That small interval of time given to potential buyers at pet stores to play with puppies is the reason why I smile. Or even better, go adopt a puppy and save a life at your local shelter. Animals are more pleasant to be around than people any day, especially cute little puppies, right?
10. Spend time with the ones who will always love you, no matter what.
Family. Yes, those people who call you eight times a day while you're trying to survive in the real world. Your family has always been there and they always will. Spend time with the people that matter the most and will forever love you unconditionally.
As the day creeps upon us, ditch cupid and embrace your independence.
Valentine's Day can be just like any other normal day, but it's all up to you.
All my single ladies, wake up, put on a fabulous outfit or live in your silk pajamas, and this year, do whatever you want on Valentine's Day because single women can own this holiday too!