It was a very different feeling sitting under a thousand stars. You look away from the noises of the world and get engulfed by the silence of space. You feel minute and get awed by the vastness of the universe. You start to question all the conflicts that persist in the world. Who are we? We get so easily mingled on our little differences. We do not realize that our dimension is less than an atom when compared to the vastness of space. We are a very simple being with a complex mind. All these differences that we create in the world based on our color, social status, and other things are pointless. We, the humans, are not meant to get obsessed with our little difference. As a species, we can only move forward when we forget our difference and work and care for each other.
Sitting under those stars, I suddenly found myself caught up in this unexplainable silence. It is the silence that is mystical. Many poets throughout history tried writing about it and no one could fully capture its essence. This silence is the mystical language of God. God's mysticality is unexplainable. Only the soul can understand it. You can only experience this indescribable silence when you let go of all the worries of the world. You will slowly look into the infinity of space and find yourself in the midst of this silence.
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. - Mother Teresa
It was two in the morning on a summer night when I first tried my luck with catching the Milky Way with my camera. After a lot of setbacks, I was able to get the shots that I needed. The most annoying thing was the light pollution from the nearby cities. The light pollution overexposes the sky and thereby making the Milky Way very hard to see. As it was almost time for moonrise, I had to race against time to take my shots. The Moon, like the light pollution from the cities, make the sky brighter and thereby making the stars hard to see. Here, from the east coast, the Milky Way is very hard to see with the naked eye. I used special astronomical software to get the exact location of the Milky Way in the night sky. I also had to do some heavy post processing using image editing software in order to highlight the Milky Way. The pictures were taken from the Alumni Fields of Berea College.