I have found that one of the strongest bonds is between siblings. Lucky for me, I have three of them. Shout out to mom and dad for that. Although we each live in a different city, every day we still somehow make each other laugh, cry and go crazy no matter how many miles apart we are. We didn't realize this special gift our parents gave us until we reached adulthood. We share a history, countless secrets, inside jokes and a lifetime full of moments to look forward to together.
My siblings are truly my foundation and I rely on each of them in varying ways. When I admit my failures to them, they never would penalize me. They promise me that I am better than all of my mistakes and then they usually teach me a valuable lesson of some sort... and then we will crack a joke about that mistake and never let it go. Having three siblings has developed my life at an immeasurable quantity. It is crazy that it took me until I was many miles away from them to truly appreciate all that they do for me. We are one in the same, but we all have separate qualities that make our relationship work. Whenever I get to be reunited with my siblings, we somehow still find ourselves behaving just as we did when we were kids - running around the house, making fun of mom and dad, starting family fights at the dinner table and so much more. There's nothing like a sibling bond.
I would say that our brother is our rock. Not only was my dad thankful for finally having another dude around, but I honestly don't know if the sister drama would have ever diffused without him around. He is outnumbered by three roaring sisters, but we all need him in our lives. If we have taught him one thing he can someday use for his future daughters, it is that there is one simple rule of sisterhood: do not borrow the other sister's clothes without asking.
My siblings are some of my most treasured blessings in my life and I don't tell them that enough. Thanks for not only being forced to be my forever friends but choosing to do so as well.