The Halloween season has come to Michigan State and students could not be happier. Halloween marks the time where people can get dressed up and be other people for a night or four depending on how many nights people go out. Going out during the weekend you are bound to see at least four people who have the same costume. Here are some the most common ones that you might have seen this weekend.
- Harley Quinn
Best known for her role in the Batman series Harley Quinn was the Joker’s little helper and girlfriend. Together they tried to bring Batman down with each prank and crime they committed. However, this year with the movie "Suicide Squad" being popular it wasn’t a surprise to see girls dress like the loveable psycho.
2. Sexy Lumberjacks
This one did not shock me as much as should have. After the whole man bun phenomena that people went crazy for it’s not crazy to see lumberjacks become sexy. I mean who doesn’t like a little plaid in their lives? This year we saw girls and guys alike dress like the men of the woods but instead of jeans it became jean shorts.
3. Cops
It seems that even if time goes by the whole cop troupe never seems to go out of style. This year we saw couples and singles dress like the law enforcement. That would be the sexy version of the law enforcement, just so there is no confusion.
4. Cats
This year was the year for animals it seems but the animal to come out on top was the cat. The feline squad was on fire this year as girls and even some guys dressed up like the little furballs.
5. School Girl
High socks and pleated skirts dressing up like school girls is one of the easiest ways to dress up for a night out. This year if you end up running out of ideas after going through some of your costumes consider this. All you need to complete this look is a pair of really dorky glasses.
6. Fruit
If you wanted to go for something that no one else would even consider doing go as a fruit. Dressing as a food is simple and it makes a person stand out among the sexy lumberjacks and harley quinn's. You can go as a strawberry or a pineapple whatever your craving at the time.
7. The Undead
Zombies have dominated the mainstream waves for a while. The popular show the walking dead made the brain eating creatures look even cooler since its debut air date back in 2010. All this costume calls for is for blood and guts with those two themes there is no way that you can go wrong.
With this holiday coming to a close soon feel free to change it up and be original. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box or even be a box. Life is all about having fun and exploring new paths. Even if those paths lead to staying in and watching horror movies with your friends.