Understanding the seven chakras and how to energize them
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The 7 Chakras

Learn how to energize your chakras with the aid of simple techniques and gemstone malas

The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras

The study of the 7 chakras began in Eastern traditions. This spiritual belief considers the 7 primary chakras the basis of our existence on the planet. Each chakra has a focal point within the human body. Each chakra is directly related to that one area on the body which allows you to focus on specific areas with each chakra.

The chakra system consists of 7 chakras:

1.Root Chakra

2.Sacral Chakra

3.Solar Plexus Chakra

4.Heart Chakra

5.Throat Chakra

6.Third Eye Chakra

7.Crown Chakra

Each chakra has a specific focal point with the body. The focal points are as follows:

•1st – Root Chakra located at the base of the spine

•2nd – Sacral Chakra located just below the navel

•3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra situated in the stomach area

•4th – Heart Chakra located at the center of the chest

•5th – Throat Chakra located at the base of the throat

•6th – Third Eye Chakra located at the forehead, just above the area between the eyes

•7th – Crown Chakra located at the top of the head

What is a Chakra?

The word chakra translates to wheel or disk in Sanskrit. In yoga and meditation, the term is used in reference to wheels of energy within the body. There are 7 total chakras, as mentioned above, within an individual. These disks of energy are located along the spine to the crown of the head. Each individual wheel is a vital source of energy.

Why is Energizing a Chakra Important?

When you think of energizing a chakra, think of it in the same way your electronics need to be energized or charged. Without the connection of power to them, they will essentially die. Human beings are very similar. Our chakras are all essential disks of energy that are each equally important for us to fully function properly. When one is not energized it can leave us feeling very unbalanced which will result in us feeling very strange or even lethargic due to that lack of essential energy. It's important to understand what each chakra is and how you can energize them.

Understanding Each Chakra

Root Chakra – Muladhara

The Root Chakra's primary role is to connect your energy to the Earth. This process is known as grounding, and it's a unique practice associated with allowing the Earth's energy to flow through you. The primary function of this chakra is to supply you with everything you need to survive.

When the Root Chakra is balanced, it provides a feeling of great wellbeing and accomplishment when you think about critical areas of life such as financial stability, relationship status, and where you're at in life. You will feel very connected to everything in your life if this chakra is balanced.

You can balance this chakra by merely reconnecting to the Earth by means of grounding yourself in nature. Hiking, gardening, or just laying on the ground can help you feel grounded again and recharge your Root Chakra.

Gemstone malas of Ruby, Obsidian, Red Calcite and Garnet can help energize this chakra.

Good Luck Mala NecklaceArtisan Malas

Sacral Chakra – Suadhishana

This chakra translates to "the place of the self." This chakra is all about who you are as a human being and what you do with your being. It is also the home of creativity and helps you enjoy your life. It helps to leave you feeling motivated and inspired to do well with your gifts. This chakra is located right below the belly button.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, it will help you thoroughly enjoy pleasure without feeling guilty or the need to overindulge. These pleasures include sex, food, drink, social activities, and creativity.

You can energize this chakra by merely enjoying life. Go on an adventure, do something you have always wanted to do, eat your favorite meal, kiss your partner, or just only do anything that makes you smile. Enjoying yourself is one of the best ways to energize the chakra.

Gemstone malas of Cinnabar, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, and Hematite can help energize this chakra.

Solar Plexus – Manipura

The Solar Plexus Chakra is focused on self-confidence, personal empowerment, and your own send of identity. This chakra is located at the center of the belly button and extends up to the breastbone. When balanced, this chakra helps you feel a strong sense of self-confidence and empowerment within.

To energize this chakra, you will need to focus on your own personal victories. What are you great at? Think of three specific things you are most proud. When you think of those three things, focus on the energy you are feeling inside. This vibration feeling is pure energy flowing directly into your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Gemstone malas of Citrine, Amber, Moonstone, and Yellow Citrine can help energize this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra Mala NecklaceArtisan Malas

Heart Chakra – Anahata

The Heart Chakra is where your deep feelings of compassion, kindness, and love dwell. It's easy to associate the heart with love which is why this chakra is normally the easiest for people to understand. Not only is this chakra focused on self-love but for all those, you surround yourself with. The chakra is located in the center of the chest where the heart is. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you will be able to feel love equally throughout every personal relationship. When you find yourself in negative or stressful situations, you are able to call upon the great feeling of love within to help you withstand.

To energize this chakra, you have to focus hard on self-love. Show yourself how much you love yourself, and loving compassion will flood your entire being.

Gemstone malas of Rose Quartz, Jade, Malachite, and Green Calcite can help energize this chakra.

Love & Peace Mala NecklaceArtisan Malas

Throat Chakra – Vishudda

The Throat Chakra helps you voice your true self without any fear. Located right between your collarbones and radiating up to your eyes and down to your chest, this chakra delivers truth within. When balanced, the Throat Chakra helps you to express yourself in every area fully. Speaking with your Throat Chakra balanced will help inspire and encourage those around you.

To energize this chakra, you need to speak your truth plainly. You must not be afraid of anything you need to say. The more freedom of speech you give yourself the better you can energize this chakra.

Gemstone malas of Aquamarine, Tanzanite, Turquoise, and Sodalite can help energize this chakra.

Tranquility Mala NecklaceArtisan Malas

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

The Third Eye Chakra helps to open up your mind to knowledge outside of the normal sphere. This is why every intuitive experience or all psychic energy resides within the Third Eye Chakra. This chakra is located in between your eyebrows, and it radiates energy down to your mouth and up towards your crown.

When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you feel very in tune with your spiritual self. You will receive psychic energy when this chakra is balanced, and it helps to heighten your spiritual development.

You can energize this chakra by taking time for solitary meditation. This allows your body to quiet itself and energize the Thur Eye which will, in turn, help to it connect to that psychic energy better.

Gemstone malas of Amethyst, Fluorite, Lolite, and Angelite can help energize this chakra.

Crown Chakra – Sahaswara

The Crown Chakra is believed to be pure consciousness energy, and it is hard to describe precisely what it is entirely. It's easy to think of it in the same way a magnet is attracted to metal. When the two come together, there is a feeling of pure energy and vibration, and this same feeling can be felt within the Crown Chakra. The tension and energy are palpable. The Crown Chakra helps to connect up to the entire universe. It is located at the center of the top of the head.

When this chakra is balanced, it is believed that you have achieved the Buddhist "nirvana." A balanced Crown Chakra is what everyone hopes to achieve, and it is among one of the greatest desires. It is tough to achieve, but not impossible to achieve.

You can energize the Crown Chakra by keeping all other 6 chakras in balance. When all 6 chakras are balanced, this allows the Crown Chakra is become fully energized and open you up to all conscious energy there is in the world. You will feel a sort of heightened vibration in which you feel that euphoric "nirvana" feeling.

Gemstone malas of Sapphire, Selenite, Melody Stone and Quartz can help energize this chakra.

Revival Mala NecklaceArtisan Malas

Understanding each chakra and the importance of energizing it is vital for your life. There are so many ways to energize your chakras. I invite you to use all the tips mentioned in this article. You can also easily use the aid of gemstone malas by merely wearing them daily or using them in your daily yoga and meditation practices. These gemstone malas will help you energize your chakras and give you that sense of balance we all yearn for. Artisan Malas is the ideal place for you to browse and choose a mala that is excellent for your individual needs. These handcrafted malas are going to be perfect for all of your chakra needs. Artisan Malas are designed with you in mind.

There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it. ~Elizabeth A. Behnke

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