Everyone knows that you attract the kind of attitude you believe in. This is exactly how the Law of Attraction works. No matter how complicated it is to believe in and manifest about something, nothing is impossible.
The first most important step to unravel the secrets of this mindboggling Law is a burning desire. Your goal or ambition should be so strong that it not only excites you but scares you at the same time. It must encompass everything you ever want to achieve. One strong aspiration, which you are willing to give your best for. Think about it every day until you can feel the result nearing you .
Sometimes the path may not seem very clear, but its ok. Its ok to not know how you will reach your goal. don't get frustrated about it. The path will be made slowly in time. If you have a goal, it must be concrete, precisely defined, and you must see clearly the final picture.Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that the Universe will do it for you! It won’t, it will do it through you, by showing you the way and the steps that you need to take, in order to get to where you’re going.Be positive Keep your goal in mind all the time, believe that you will achieve it, visualize the final picture and know deeply that the way will be shown to you.
Every time you feel like giving up just relate your experience to climbing a , which you’ve never climbed before. There are also no signs for the mountain track, but the top is visible and you know where you’re going.You just need to see the top and believe that you will get there, the way will be naturally shown to you as you move up. You won't know all the details or all the shortcuts on your first time up. And even if you get lost at times, which will happen from time to time, you will eventually find the way, because your goal is crystal clear in your mind. You just need to reach the top.
Keep affirming yourself, don't let anything keep you down. If you believe in it, you can do it. Along the way, it will be harder, but that's just how all the journeys are. When you first began to walk you fell many times. But, you knew that it wasn't the end. Somewhere in your baby head, you were motivated to move on. Develop faith by continuously reminding yourself about your goal. Allow even your subconscious mind to believe in your ambition. Faith is after all the energiser of your mind.
Be grateful. Your close friends and family love you and always want the best for you. By showing gratitude, you are attracting a form of positive energy. Being grateful is more fulfilling than picking fights. Keep track of people you need today thanks to. Reread the list, this will remind you of all the positive things in your life throughout the day, and will keep you with a phenomenal vibration that will attract good and positive things in your life.
Love and respect yourself as well as others. If you are able to love yourself and cherish every move of your life, then others will do the same. This is because like terms will always attract each other.This is one of the most important principles on how the law of attraction works. The law of attraction will always reward any emotion or feeling you are passing through with respect to the proportionate value attached to it. Always remember you are what you think you are. Don't neglect yourself.
Daily Meditation can help you affirm your goal. You can practice this process to learn how to keep your mind at rest.Anyway, it will help to bring your core attention back from negative feelings and thoughts. This will help to bring the positive feelings of love into instant activation.You can take about 15-20 minutes on a daily basis to breathe and focus on the feeling of love, health, success, and prosperity. Concentrate your attention on your inhalations and exhalations and after calming your thoughts, start using your imagination and meditating upon these emotions.
Do what inspires you and keeps you happy.Develop your mind and your perceptive skills. Understand the nature of change and accept what comes in your way. Understand how you have developed over the years all the way back to when you were a child; curious, open and excited to learn. Adapt some of these qualities, if you lost them over your journey to succeed. So hence, regardless of how life hits you, just get back up and overcome the obstacles.