It is no doubt that we all have faced not wanting to go to school or work, that we’ve wanted some escape in our lives.
Sometimes one may feel they are the only one stuck. Alone. Surrounded by everyday anxieties and troubles. It is easy to get caught up in that; remember that every single person on the earth is facing a struggle. This struggle may differ from yours or mine. However, what would life be without the pain? Without the obstacles? Life is not always suppose to be a happy ending. I think of it as valleys and mountains. We have to be willing to take the climb. Moreover, if one does not climb they are not going to get anywhere, right? Same thing with motivation. If we’re not motivated our sense of drive is going nowhere. Therefore, the end result is no destination. What would God want us to do to keep our motivation strong? This is a question many will have to answer for themselves.
Just look at all the unjust things happening in our world today.
I mean we are at war with several countries. Look at Afghanistan. All around us we are crying out for help still; primarily, fighting for justice, equality, peace and democracy. When I picture all of these tragedies in my mind I hear 9 words in my head. And that is: “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” Most of us forget the true meaning of these simple words. God’s cry to us is that we need to seek Him out during all the hard times. Not dwell on our mistakes or self-pity. But pray to Him. Strengthen your relationship through prayer and conversation. Yes, that means blocking out the media, turning your cellphone off and spending time with your families. By thinking of those suffering around the world makes us look at our own lives; In fact, we often take things for granted. All the time! Praying for others gives a whole new perception of how we should live our lives.
We shall not envy or belittle or dehumanize those based on gender, sexuality or education but by lifting others up with us in times of need; with this in mind, this allows us to open our hearts to forgiveness and love.